As Somalia faces escalating security threats and the resurgence of the militant organization al-Shabaab, the United States is encountering significant obstacles in maintaining its...
When Joe Biden took office, many victims of genocide hoped US interest would triumph over indifference. Upon his nomination to be secretary of state,...
Since Russia deliberately violated international law by invading Ukraine, the EU has adopted six packages of sanctions against Moscow. Our measures now target nearly...
Joseph Siegle, University of Maryland
It’s commonly held that Russian president Vladimir Putin’s objective for invading Ukraine is to install a puppet regime that is...
The White HouseStatements and ReleasesFebruary 24, 2022
Russia to Face Massive Costs from its Isolation from the Global Financial and Trade System and Cutting-Edge Technology
The White HouseSpeeches and RemarksFebruary 24, 2022
THE PRESIDENT: Sorry to keep you waiting. Good afternoon. The Russian military has begun a brutal assault on...
Wandile Sihlobo, Stellenbosch University
No man qualifies as a statesman who is entirely ignorant of the problems of wheat.The words of the ancient Greek philosopher,...
Scott Radnitz, University of Washington
In the past few weeks, U.S. officials have warned several times that Russia plans to create the appearance of an...
From defying Beijing to signing landmark MoU with Ethiopia, President Bihi's final cabinet meeting marks the end of a presidency defined by challenges and bold diplomacy. His parting shot? A stark message to Somaliland's incoming government: 'The right to opposition rhetoric ends when governance begins.' Read our analysis of his complex legacy: